'Return of the Native - Imagining Katherine Mansfield '. Gilberd Marriott Gallery, Wellington. New Zealand. 19 June - 5 July, 2010.

Career Prospect (after Louis Sainson)

2010, oil on canvas

610mm x 610mm


Garsington Vigil

2010, oil on canvas

610mm x 610mm

Birthplace Garland

2010, oil on canvas

610mm x 610mm


Garment Fragment

2010, oil on canvas

510mm x 510mm

Menton Memory (after Charles Heaphy)

2010, oil on canvas

510mm x 510mm


Days Bay Pendant

2010, oil on canvas

510mm x 510mm

Falling Towards New Zealand

2009, oil on canvas

450mm x 450mm


East Coast Souvenir

2009, oil on canvas

450mm x 450mm

Menton Muse

2010, oil on canvas

500mm x 600mm




2010, oil on canvas

each 255mm x 255mm

KM Burial Cloth (Fontainbleau)

2010, oil on paper

286mm x 772mm


KM Burial Cloth (Wellington)

2010, oil on paper

284mm x 776mm

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©copyright Peter Ireland 2006- 2010