'Modernity - 13 Recent Oils on on Canvas and Paper'. Thermostat Art Gallery, Palmerston North. New Zealand. 4 - 23 September, 2010.

Pietro Lorenzetti dreams of the Bay of Islands, 1340

2007, oil on canvas

610mm x 610mm


Sydney Thompson reaches France, 1900

2010, oil on paper

510mm x 810mm

Benozzo Gozzoli reaches Modernity, 1452

2010, oil on paper

770mm x 1126mm

Raymond McIntyre reaches London, 1909

2010, oil on canvas

514mm x 413mm

Richard Wilson reaches Dunedin, 1947

2010, oil on canvas

505mm x 758mm

John Weeks reaches Paris, 1925

2010, oil on canvas

510mm x 510mm

Charles Meryon reaches Akaroa, 1845

2010, oil on paper

234mm x 540mm

Flora Scales reaches France, 1928

2010, oil on canvas

505mm x 505mm

William Fox reaches Canterbury, 1851

2010, oil on paper

435mm x 572mm

Rhona Haszard reaches France, 1926

2010, oil on canvas

458mm x 608mm

James Nairn reaches Dunedin, 1890

2010, oil on paper

580mm x 563mm

Rita Angus reaches herself, 1951

2010, oil on paper

767mm x 568mm

Edward Fristrom reaches Auckland, 1903

2010, oil on canvas

456mm x 606mm


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