Devour Thermostat Art Gallery, Palmerston North. New Zealand. 29 Feb - 20 Mar 2008.

Brown Painting (Down Under: after Francisco Goya)

oil on paper, 1740mm x 771mm


Mrs William Urquhart's Voyage (after Henry Raeburn)

oil on canvas, 573mm x 573mm

The Magic Cave (after Colin McCahon)

oil on canvas, 252mm x 305mm


Miss Margaret Burr's Comfort (after Thomas Gainsborough)

oil on canvas, 573mm x 573mm

Active Volcano (after William Hodges)

oil on canvas, 400mm x 500mm


Museum Specimen (after Massimo Stanzione)

oil on hessian, 554mm diameter

Dressed Timber (after Francisco Goya)

oil on canvas, 252mm x 305mm


Birth of a Nation (after Lelio Orsi, attributed)

oil on hessian, 554mm diameter

Convent Assault (after Richard Wilson)

oil on canvas, 202mm x 250mm


The Weight of the Captain's Wrist (after Nathaniel Dance)

oil on hessian, 554mm diameter

The Enchanted Project (after Richard Wilson)

oil on canvas, 252mm x 305mm


Revisionist Landscape (after Ortolano & Poussin) (triptych)

oil on canvas, 305mm x 1220mm

Castle Assault (after Marco Basaiti)

oil on canvas, 202mm x 250mm


New Jerusalem (after Benozzo Gozzoli) (diptych)

oil on canvas, 305mm x 1200mm

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©copyright Peter Ireland 2006- 2008